why do dogs have whiskers

Why Do Dogs Have Whiskers: It’s Not Just For Aesthetics

Whiskers are found on a wide range of animals, including canines. You may wonder why dogs have whiskers, and should you trim them?

Too many lovely aspects of your dog’s face make picking just one a difficult task. Those eyes, that small nose, and that under bite are just adorable! In addition to being adorable, the various portions of your dog’s face are also functional. Dogs have a wide range of senses, including eyes, nose, and teeth, which are all vital to their survival.

There is, however, a portion of your dog’s face that may leave you scratching your head—and that is the whiskers. Why do they have them?

What Are Dog Whiskers?

Hairs that grow from the nose to the jaw and just above the eye area are known as dog whiskers; they’re tough and wiry (also known as vibrissae). These hairs are different from the rest of your dog’s fur or hair, and they serve a different role.

A dog’s whiskers serve three purposes:

Dogs wouldn’t be dogs if they didn’t have their adorable, fluffy faces. Our dogs’ whiskers, on the other hand, are useful in keeping them safe and active. Dogs require their whiskers for three reasons:

Dogs can see better because of their whiskers.

The primary function of your dog’s whiskers is to assist them in safely navigating the world around them. Whiskers help dogs see potential risks or impediments in their surroundings because their eyesight is weak.

At the base of each hair follicle, your dog’s whiskers contain a high concentration of neurons. To detect even the smallest changes in the environment, these neurons are extremely sensitive.

Using their whiskers, your dog is able to securely investigate its surroundings. Whiskers’ neurons send a sensory message to the brain when an object gets too close, protecting your dog from injury.

When the sun goes down and your dog has to navigate in the dark, their whiskers are crucial; without them, your pet would be stumbling all over the place! Whiskers help dogs to sense and “see” items in their environment before they touch them, like a “spidey sense.”

In order to determine the size, form, vibrancy, and speed of a moving object, a dog uses its eyes and whiskers. A dog’s movement causes air to be churned up and bounce back from the surfaces with which he comes into contact. In a stressful scenario, the dog’s body language includes snarling and other facial expressions.

Whiskers aid in a dog’s ability to express their feelings.

The dog’s whiskers play a crucial function in body language as well as relaying important environmental information. When a dog feels threatened, it may be helpful to communicate with other animals and with other dogs.

When confronted with an uncomfortable situation, the dog’s body language includes snarling and other facial emotions. With their whiskers up when they’re in a good mood or relaxed while resting, they can tell if they’re happy.

Amazingly, a dog’s whiskers can help them communicate their emotions, especially when they’re communicating with another dog! When a dog senses danger or discomfort, its whiskers will automatically flare and point downward. There are other ways to suggest a dog is in distress and ready to defend itself, but this is the most typical. Your dog’s entire body can notify you whether he’s in danger or needs your help.

Whiskers are a good indicator of your dog’s state of mind. Flaring their whiskers and pointing them in the direction of danger are common canine reactions to perceived danger. Dogs can better grasp their world with their whiskers than their eyes alone.

Whiskers aid dogs in their search for food.

That treat that fell on the floor is obvious to our dogs. Dogs, on the other hand, aren’t able to see everything, at least not with their eyes. Dogs can better grasp their world with their whiskers than with their eyes alone.

If you’ve ever thrown a treat directly in front of your dog’s face, but they can’t find it, you’re not alone. As he tries to find the obvious treasure, he appears like he’s having a good time. Dogs’ vision is farsighted due to their large muzzles and wide-set eyes (except for brachycephalic breeds like pugs). These dog features make it tough to focus on objects in front of or under your dog’s nose.

It is possible for dogs of different breeds to have different numbers and sizes of whiskers. This is especially true of hunting dogs. As an example, hound breeds such as the extremely huge and quick Irish wolfhound have long, dense, and gritty whiskers.

In the beginning, the Irish Wolfhound was developed to hunt large, fast-moving prey like elk. The wolfhound’s whiskers helped it navigate through deep woods and overgrown fields during a fast-paced hunt. As a result, it allows them to move more easily and avoid trees. Despite not being used to extended hunting journeys, Irish wolfhounds’ whiskers are a significant element of their beauty and function. It helps them to walk gracefully around the house and on hikes.

What you should never do to dogs whiskers

As mentioned, dogs’ whiskers help them navigate their surroundings. If there is anything you should never do to your dog, it’s that you should not disturb its whiskers.

For dogs, whiskers are designed to detect small changes in their surroundings, such as variations in airflow. Whiskers removal may impair your dog’s ability to notice changes in the surroundings. It will make it more difficult to move safely around the house.

What happens when you trim your dog’s whiskers?

It is technically possible to trim a dog’s whiskers using scissors, but you should not cut them off. As a result, some groomers and pet owners shave off their pets’ whiskers because they find them unattractive. As a result of this belief, many show dog owners have their dogs’ whiskers surgically removed. Don’t, on the other hand.

The loss of your dog’s whiskers can affect his ability to find his way around. Your dog may come into contact with more objects and hence be more vulnerable to injury. Taking away a dog’s whiskers might cause worry and discomfort for your pet.

What happens if you cut a dog’s whiskers?

It is true that dog whiskers can regrow after they are cut or fall out. There is no set timetable for hair growth. But remember that a dog owner should never clip or trim their pet’s whiskers for all of the above reasons. Your dog may have a tougher time adjusting to his new environment and “conversations” with other dogs if you do this. Don’t let your dog’s whiskers fall out if you want them to be happy and healthy.

Make sure that your dog’s whiskers are well taken care of

In terms of cleanliness, whiskers do not require any form of care or upkeep. Whiskers should not be used for grooming purposes, according to vets and groomers. Certain groomers are willing to trim some whiskers for cosmetic reasons if requested.

Even if you accidentally cut your dog’s whiskers when grooming him, it won’t hurt him. As a result, they may become a little disoriented in their surroundings. With their whiskers, they are used to finding their way about.


Weird as they may seem, whiskers serve a multitude of purposes. Dogs rely on them to gather information, which is why they’re so crucial. Keep an eye out for your dog’s whiskers if you’ve got one. Avoid having them cut or removed, and attempt to keep them from being harmed or damaged.

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