Why Do Bearded Dragons Turn Black

Why Do Bearded Dragons Turn Black?

Do you wonder why bearded dragons turn black? This reptilian omnivore can grow from 18 to 22 inches in a span between 4-10 years, weighing around 10-18 ounces. They usually live on tree branches, bushes, and/or near human habitats. And because they tend to be inquisitive, gentle, and active during most of the day, they have become one of the most popular reptiles turned to pets.

There might be several factors why a Bearded Dragon turned black. You should also pay attention to the intensity of the color shift. You should also evaluate the rate at which the color changed. Here are the four most prevalent causes of a Beardie becoming black.

The Pogona, also known as the Bearded Dragon, lives true to its name as a medium-sized reptile with armor made of prickly scales that cover virtually all of its body. The term “bearded” refers to the characteristic pair of spikes under its chin that flare up depending on its mood.

But, first and foremost, why do bearded dragons turn black? Are there any emotional, physiological, or stress-related factors that cause the beard to become black? As we tell the legends of the bearded dragons, let us shed some light on this enigma.

Reasons Why Bearded Dragon is Turning Black Under its Chin

1. Becoming Ferocious Despite Being Terrified

Do you know what you do when you’re scared? You may either yell loud enough to drown it out or go big. It’s the latter in the case of bearded dragons. Even in captivity, the lizards’ urge to expand themselves and seem more frightening than their predators is active. This time, though, you are the prey. This is by far the most prevalent reason why bearded dragons become black from time to time.

2. Bearded Dragons Turn Black When They are not in a good mood.

Similar to the first, the bearded dragon goes into high alert when they need some alone time, and their black beards serve as “Do not approach me” warnings to people around them. You may need to assess your lizard’s disposition before allowing it to enter its territory. After all, no one wants their dogs to bite them. Yikes!

3. Desiring a Relationship

These bearded beauties’ beards serve as more than just a warning sign. It’s also their natural method of requesting affection. You should be on the lookout for the bobbing head action, which is their mating dance to attract attention. If you happen to discover this out of nowhere, you may need to act as your lizard’s wingman for the time being.

4. Bearded Dragon Turn Black When They are Depressed and Lonely.

Because they are sociable creatures, being alone in a confined environment might make them feel lonely at times. The beard might be a signal for you to pet them or take them up and play with them. However, if you are unsure, try lifting them up. If they respond adversely, you misread the indications and should leave them alone for the time being. If not, carry on.

5. Brumation

Brumation is the inactivity of reptiles during a certain season. Even though it is not required to do so in captivity, these wild pets nonetheless display this characteristic. It’s comparable to hibernation, except they were awake during the procedure. Though it won’t happen all the time, it’s important noting to avoid any mistakes or misinterpretation, as this is by far the least common occurrence.

What you need to know about the blackening of the bearded dragon’s beard and tail.

Bearded dragons, as you may know, have a natural way of expressing themselves through their black beards. When the beard turns black, there are several reasons for this. However, when the bearded dragon’s beard and tail both turn black at the same time, things may take a turn for the worst. Although some dragons have naturally dark tails, if the tail turns black, it might be a symptom of tail rot.

Tail rot occurs when the lizard’s tail is wounded, such as by a cut, or when it is squeezed or squashed. Internal infection is not long behind after the damage has occurred. Poor nutrition would be another cause of tail rot. A lack of calcium, for example, affects the lizard’s development while affecting its skeletal structures, particularly the tail. If you find it early, the best thing you can do is go to the vet and get it checked out.

The Bearded dragon goes dark and stops feeding – act quickly!

This will be brief and to the point. Aside from wondering why do bearded dragons become black, if it isn’t feeding well, you need to act quickly!

When a bearded dragon goes black and stops eating, it is a clear indication that the beardie is ill and requires quick medical attention. Please take the lizard to the local vet to find out why it isn’t eating anymore. Though it might be as easy as a temperature change, it could also be as serious as an illness. There is also the probability that, if you have a female beardie, the beardie is pregnant and wants assistance. Whatever the case may be, consult with a reputable veterinarian in your area.


Bearded dragons are such an enthralling species that you can’t help but wonder where they came from and how they got to be the way they are. Every part of them, from their heads to their tails, is as fascinating as the next. Checking for signs in anything from how they act to how their beards flare-up might be difficult if you’re just starting to care for one.

And, after reading about why do bearded dragons become black, we’re sure you’re curious about your beardie and other bearded dragon species. Continue to learn about them in order to better comprehend their needs and desires, as well as how to interpret the signs they offer you on a regular basis.

Simply continue your investigation and examine your small critters from their enclosures while taking notes. Though it may be a little perplexing at first, we’re certain you’ll get the hang of it. Either way, sooner or later.

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