Why Do People Have Lisps?

Why do people have lisps? And why is the word lisp so difficult to pronounce for a person with a lisp?

Think about it, it is so strange, right?

Why did they make the word lisp that way? Just to define a person with a lisp… if a person with a lisp would have a hard time pronouncing it?

To be honest, that doesn’t make any sense but the word exists that way, and people with lisp do have a lisp as they say.

Do you know why do people are said to have lisps? Or do you even know what a lisp really is? Or how many different types of lisps are?

And can you answer me the question of what’s the causes of a lisp? And if you have a lisp how can you get rid of it?

I know I know so many questions… And I’m here to answer all of those questions.

And if you are here reading this article that means that you have these kinds of questions or know someone with these kinds of questions…

Maybe a friend of yours, or yourself or your own child have a lisp problem and you want to know more about the subject…

Well, if that’s the case
Just grab your seat and let’s get started… are you ready? So let’s go

So what is a lisp?

Glad you ask and because of that I’m happy to tell you that all about it

Here is a lisp definition…

Imagine that you have a misplacement of your tongue, that will cause you to mispronounced certain sounds during a speech with a friend or family member… in short words, that’s what a lisp is! You hear the sound of a “th” instead of an”s” or a “z”

Ok, this is just a little bit of a lisp definition…do you want to know what causes a lisp? There are four kinds of lisps: a frontal lisp, a lateral lisp, a dental lisp, and a palatal lisp.

Let’s focus on a frontal lisp first? With this kind of lisp, the tongue placement is too forward, and when a person with this kind of lisp speaks you can notice the difference. The “s” sounds and the “z” sounds sound more like “th” sounds.

I know there’s too much of the word sound in just one sentence….

And what about a lateral lisp? Well, in this situation, the tongue of a person with this kind of lisp is too high, and because of that, when a person speaks all the air escapes over the sides of the tongue.

Now, what about the dental kind of lisp? As the name indicates is when the tongue pushes against the teeth.

And for last the palatal lisp…what can I tell you about it? A person with this kind of lisp has the tongue touching the roof of the mouth and that makes it difficult for that person to say words with “s” sounds.

So what causes a lisp? Basically, it is caused by misplacements of the tongue, and that usually happens in childhood. But adults can have it too, by the way, if not treated properly at younger ages.

So do you know how to get rid of a lisp? I will answer that in the next section Ways to correct a lisp and to get rid of it

Not anyone is aware of this lisp problem, especially younger children, and because of that, they will not be able to correct their lisp problem alone… Why is that? Well, because they are not aware of it…they are too young.

So what if your child has a lisp?

Why not go to a specialist? And who is a specialist in lisp problems?

Of course, a speech therapist…

Are you curious about what a specialist will do to help your child?

Well at first, he will show what’s the right way and the wrong way to pronounce some words, he will help your child identify the correct way of speaking.

And did you know that you as a parent can do that as well with your child? It’s not that difficult… you can do it from home…

Just don’t focus too much on the “wrong” pronunciation, you don’t want to discourage your child, right? Just enforce the correct pronunciation.

Your speech therapist will help your child became aware of where is the misplacement in her tongue. He will do that by making your child trying to make certain sounds.

Another way that your speech therapist will help your child is by practicing individual words with her… he will do this just to get a sense of where her tongue is positioned, and he will make your child try to say some consonants sounds.

Of course, there is too much to it, this is just some exercises a speech therapist will do to help your child… I am sharing this just to give you some awareness…

A good speech therapist will know what to do to help your child with lisp problems.

So how to get rid of a lisp? My best counsel? Go to a specialist in the area.

This is something that happens mostly at younger ages but adults can have lisps too…

If you didn’t treat at a younger age don’t stress too much about it, it’s never too late. Go to a speech therapist and he can help you as well.

A lisp happens because of the different placements of the tongue.

So how many types of lisp are? At this stage of the article, you can answer this question, right?

Righ, you got it… there are four types of lisp: The frontal lisp, the lateral lisp, the dental lisp, and the palatal lisp.

And while is better to treat this kind of problem at younger ages, it’s never too late to correct it… with time and persistence you can do it, and a good specialist will help you in the process!

So now you know why some people have lisps!

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